Working as a personal trainer has been one of the most rewarding things its been my privilege to do. I get to watch people make incredible changes in their lives. Whether its loosing weight, breaking through plateaus, or breaking personal records. Every time someone I've worked with accomplishes what it is they've set out to do, I go to bed at night knowing I've made a difference and feeling like a BOSS!
So once a month or so I'm gonna shine the spotlight on one of them.
First up is a client who has put in serious work and has been born again HARD.
I first met Chris "Jazz" Colthurst 1 year ago at my Memorial Day Beach work out. It was a brutal 2 hour session. 1 full hour run followed by 1 hour of drills and fitness oriented games in the sand (No easy task for the fittest of us) He'd just started a diet/ weight loss program at Sharp hospital and was turned onto me by another client of mine. Since then he has been a regular at my classes. Three times a week for a whole year! With the occasional skipped class for a trip out of town to run half marathons. He's up to 3 and counting!
Jazz has lost a total of 150 lbs!!!
Jazz is a stand up comic and says the weight loss has given him a boost of confidence on stage.
So if you see a svelte new "Jazz" on a hiking trail, a run, or goose steppin' around San Diego in his new jeans, shoot him a thumbs up, or give him the "bro nod" He's earned it!
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