Thursday, November 29, 2012


Everyone wants abs. Here's the hard truth. WE ALL HAVE THEM, but if you are fat you'll never see them! 
Do all the crunches, sit-ups, leg lifts, bicycles, trunk twists, and body curls you like. Your abs won't show through layers and layers of body fat. That's not to say you're wasting your time. Having a strong, well trained core will help with your posture, stability, and performance in everything from sports to everyday activities. That said, this blog is about getting a 6 pack.

Abs (abdominals) is the name given to the group of muscles that form the trunk of your body.

Here are the exercises that will make your abs pop:

Straight legged hanging leg lifts:
Not for the timid. You'll definitely have to work your way up to this one. I've been doing it for years and can still only get 12- 13 reps. Do 3-4 sets to failure.  There's nothing better for building those hard to reach lower abs.

Oblique leg lifts:
Another of my favorite high rep drills. Do as many reps as you can then switch sides and do the same # of reps on the opposite side. Repeat 3x.  Nothing sexier on a men or woman that a well formed set of obliques. You'll get that "V" that starts right above your hip bones and runs all the way down to your money maker. 
le *nice*

Trunk twists (I call them Cherry pickers):
A high rep exercise. It'll take a little while to get the balance right. Once you get it, lift your feet off the ground and go to work. Challenge yourself to do as may reps as you can before you stop. Anything from 20 - 100 reps. Push yourself to muscle failure for 3-5 sets.

Cable crunch (body curl):
Low rep exercise. Pick a weight that will allow you to do between 15-20 reps. Pack on the weight, your abs are stronger that you think. I can do the stack at most gyms. These will make your upper abs really pop. 

These and many other exercises will give you a strong well developed set of abs that start just below your chest, run all the way down to your business, and wrap all the way around both sides of your trunk.

BUT !!!
If you want all your hard work to show you've gotta burn off all your extra body fat. 
Do your cario. Lots and lots of cardio!


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