Monday, August 20, 2012

Get Jacked Playlist

I took Saturday and Sunday off from training. So I ran a 10 miler early this am to get my cardio in before it got too hot. Then after lunch I headed to the gym to hit the weights HARD.
Today was Delts, Triceps, and calves.
When I go heavy I need to listen to music the gets me JACKED!
I'm a kid of the 80s/ 90s so I love me some angry Hip-Hop and Cock rock for lifting.
Here's my play list from today's session. You'll have to forgive me for a few of these. I lived in Florida for 2 years.

KRS-1 - "Step into a World"

Corrosion of Conformity - "Clean my Wounds"

 Cypress Hill -"How I could Just Kill a Man"

Rage Against the Machine - "Sleep Now in the Fire"

Wolf Mother - "New Moon Rising"

Limp Biscuit - "Give Me Something to Break"

Onyx - "Slam"

Find whatever music gets your blood moving, crank it, and lift HARD!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The PT test

Keeping track of progress with a large group can be challenging. So once a cycle i'll have everyone take a PT test and post the results here.

I've taken the (APFT) US ARMY Physical fitness Test: a test I've taken more times that I can remember, and modified it slightly.
Instead of a 2 mile run, we do a 1 mile run and a 50 yard sprint. Everything else is the same.

So how do you stack up against a US ARMY soldier?

Julia 30/ mile 8:54:00/ 50 yrd 8:11/ push-up 26/ sit-up 30

Francesca 30/ mile 7:06/ 50 yrd 6:56/ push-up 40/ sit-up 49

Diane 48/ mile 7:39:00/ 50 yrd 7:30/ push-up 27/ sit-up 36

Suzanne 39/ mile 7:08:00/50 yrd 10:87/ push-up 19/ sit-up 27

Elizabeth 38/ mile 7:50:00/ 50 yrd 10:63/ push-up 26/ sit-up 32

Ellie 57/ mile 8:51:00/50 yrd 8:35 push-up 37/ sit-up 27

Peg 57/mile 8:08:00/50 yrd 9:59/ push-up 24/ sit-up 21

Becky 37/ mile 7:03:00/ 50 yrd 6:70/ push-up 35/ sit-up 35

Shannon 42/ mile 9:42:00/50 yrd 12:83/ push-up 15/ sit-up 19

Shelly 36/ mile 9:27:00/ 50yrd 7:40/ push-up 31/ sit-up 39
Sophie 53/ Mile 9:42:00/ 50 yrd 12:45/ push-up 22/ sit-up 29

Megan 51/ mile 8:23:00/ 50 yrd 7:94/ push-up29/ sit-up 26

Melisa 33/ mile7:08:00/ 50 yrd 9:54/ push-up 27/ sit-up 29

Robert 45/ mile 7:54:00/ 50 yrd 10:29/ push-up 25/ sit-up 18

Julia 30/ mile 8:54:00/ 50 yrd 8:11/ push-up 26/ sit-up 30

Jason 39/ mile 7:43:00/ 50 yrd 7:80/ push-up 31/ sit-up 30

Laura 33/ mile 7:24:00/ 50 yrd 6:96/ push-up 26/ sit-up 28
Danielle 39/ mile 9:03:00/ 50 yrd 10:67/ push-up 10/ sit-up 25

Jennifer 55/ mile 9:04:00/ 50 yrd 8:25/push-up 38/sit-up28

Monday, August 6, 2012


One of the most important muscle groups in performance and fitness training is also the one that goes ignored most often.

 Hamstrings is the name for the group of muscles that run down the back of your legs

They are the biceps of your lower body.
 Sports involving running, jumping, quick starts, stops and changes of direction like soccer, football, basketball, track and tennis, require and good strong set of hamstrings. Not only to perform well, but to avoid injury. They also provide support for every day activities.

There are several different ways to develop strong hamstrings. My favorite movement is the "Straight Legged Dead Lift"

*Its important to always do a 10-15 minute warm-up before performing any power lifting movements.
Also, this moment puts a lot of stress on the lower back. It is meant for individual with no preexisting lower back or hamstring contraindication.

Choose a weight that will allow you to perform the movement for 1 minute without loosing form.
Start standing upright, hands shoulder width apart.
Keeping your back completely flat and legs straight, lower your upper body as low as you can go without rounding your back
Bring upper body back up to starting position

Repeat for 1 minute or until you reach muscle failure (when you can no longer perform the movement with proper form). 
Perform 3 sets. Give yourself 60-90 seconds recovery between sets.

This movement strengthens the hammies, glutes, core, and lower back.
 It also make everything look real nice in your yoga pants ladies...