Wednesday, October 1, 2014

30 Day Fat Melting Diet

This diet is meant to be temporary since we'll be cutting back on carbs, and abstaining from alcohol, and all processed food. It's meant to work together with an intense 5-7 day-a-week training program.
This is a modification of the popular 40/40/20 diet.
It's a simple, strict diet that will help you shed fat fast and keep your muscle.

I'll preface this by saying that I am not a dietitian or nutritionist. These are dieting techniques I've used throughout my years of fitness training and bodybuilding.
Lets start with the No's

Alcohol: Absolutely no nutritional value. Someone smarter than me wrote it better here:

Processed food: We'll eat nothing but real food for 30 days. Your body will function better and you'll burn fat more easily. Someone smarter than me wrote it better here:

Dairy: My 12 years as a vegan taught me that dairy is just kinda gross. Cutting it out for 30 days will make burning fat way easier. Someone smarter than me wrote it better here:

Here's all you need:

Protein: Lean meats: Beef, Chicken, Fish, Pork, whole eggs

Carbs: Fruits, Oats, white/ brown rice, sweet or regular potatoes

Fats: Organic peanut butter, nuts, avocado, fish oils

Veggies: Everything (raw or steamed)

Water or Black Coffee only (No fruit juice, soda, etc...)

The rules are simple:

Rule 1: Take in 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body weight each day.

Rule 2: Take in 1- 1.5 grams of carbs per pound of body weight (heavier on training days, lighter on off days)

Rule 3: Calculate your calories! Too low and you wont be able to recover from your workouts. To high and you won't loose weight. Here's the calculator I use:

Rule 4: Take in a protein, fat and carbohydrate with every meal

Rule 5: Never more than one day off on a row!!!

Theses are the basic guidelines for the diet. Clients who are participating in the 30 or 60 day program have access to me personally for tips and adjustments.